About Ejeby Förlag

Ejeby Förlag publishes sheet music, mainly choral music, arrangements as well as original contemporary music. But you will also find a few song books.

We also publish books about music, primarily music of our age, about experiencing music, about musicians and composers, about the history of music and about music making. Almost all our books are in Swedish.

I have a great many years of experience in Swedish choral music, particularly the one found in Göteborg. This is why my publications are dominated by choral music. Prior to starting my publishing firm, at the time called Bo Ejeby Förlag, I studied to become a teacher of Swedish and music. I then worked five years at a folk high school and ten years at the publishing company Korpen.

I was one of the founders of and worked for Footprint Records for some years. Nowadays Ejeby Förlag is only one of Footprint’s retailers of CD:s.

When I started Bo Ejeby Förlag in 1991, all publications reflected my own taste and interest in music. This has been the case for three decades. But since some years my two daughters, Klara and Kajsa Ejeby, more and more have been engaged in the business. They are since 2023 co-owners which also led to the chance of the company’s name: we are now Ejeby Förlag. I hope that their interests – in music and other matters – also will come to be reflected in the publications.

Bo Ejeby


Ejeby Förlag
Heurlins Plats 1 A
SE-413 30 Gothenburg

Heurlins Plats 1 A, 4tr

Telephone: +46 706 85 91 47

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