O magnum mysterium (SATB)
Martin Åsander
Kategorier: Sakral | Sacred, Blandad kör | Mixed choir, NOTER | SHEET MUSIC
36.00 SEK
This wondrously beautiful and inviting music embodies the magic and wonder of the Nativity. Based on ancient Gregorian chant, the modern a cappella harmonies move and explore sonorities that bring colorful dimension to the traditional Latin text. A lovely statement for mixed or tenor-bass choirs.
”O magnum mysterium is a responsorial chant from the Matins of Christmas. I was searching for a text that would easily fit and be suitable for Christmastime and was lucky to find an old score that I had first started working on in 2013, originally in a men’s choir setting. I initially asked myself if the world needs yet another composition featuring this text about the Virgin Mary and the birth of Jesus, but after playing it through a couple of times, I was struck by the simplicity and purity in the music. I immediately started to edit the original score and also made a version for mixed choir, which I decided to dedicate to VoNo Vocals and their conductor Lone Larsen. O magnum mysterium is to be premiered in Tolosa, Spain, in the beginning of November 2021.” – Martin Åsander
Listen to the piece below. All vocals by the composer.
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