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Doubt Thou the Stars
Anders Jormin William Shakespeare
Bo Ejeby Förlag
3 s. SATB a cappella
Artikelnr: 1337
Kategorier: Profan | Secular, Blandad kör | Mixed choir, NOTER | SHEET MUSIC
Kategorier: Profan | Secular, Blandad kör | Mixed choir, NOTER | SHEET MUSIC
24.00 SEK
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Doubt thou the stars are fire,
Doubt that the sun doth move,
Doubt truth to be a liar,
But never doubt I love.
”This moving declaration of love by William Shakespeare comes from his play Hamlet, act 2, scene 2. Whenever there are seemingly no words, these might do justice to the sentiments involved.” – Anders Jormin
Doubt Thou the Stars is recorded by the Polish choir Camerata Silesia and Anders Jormin: Ama, Footprint Records FRCD 094.
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